Saturday, February 9, 2019


‘Guilt’ Script

The opening scene is very frantic. Unaware of the time. The music continues to build in the secluded woods. A lost, lonely girl is found to be running from something un known; screaming continuously. Surrounded by trees, she continues to be running while the sky is getting darker and more mysterious. This unknown creature continues to follow her, she's racing franticly through the woods screeching for help with no success. She notices the cut branches and thin trees, constantly looking over her shoulder.

No, please. STOP!

Continues to run from the Camera.

Please don’t do this, don’t hurt MEE! Please stop, oh no!


The second scene then opens with two people sat in the middle of a forest, discussing something. Still unaware of the time, it seems earlier as the sky is much brighter, still dark however. There’s muttering going on however we can understand what they are saying. Surrounded by trees, the lighting is very low and nothing is easily visible. We are focused on the lit fire, on its last light in the centre of the forest. The night is very darker and the two people look like they are shaking.

(very quietly, a whisper)
Yes, me too, don’t know what to do

(very quietly, a whisper)
It’s scary


The third scene is calm. It’s still very mysterious as the weather is very foggy and misty. The two girls are now in focus, speaking about the situation, how it happened and how to get away. They are both distressed and scared. They are sit next to the fire, the fire is nearly out. The grass is damp, there clothes are all dirty and they look they’ve been through a lot. Mainly focusing on there faces in this scene.

I’m just so scared Lorraine, I feel like we can never escape. One day it will just come and get us and I’m afraid.

(scared and upset
Look jasmine, there has to be a way to get out of this, yes weave done bad things and we’ve made mistakes; everybody has. But our lives shouldn’t be at risk because of mistake’s we’ve made in the past.

(Frustrated, as if she’s had enough)
That’s the thing though Lorraine that’s why it’s here. It eats and feeds away at the people who has done wrong.

(curious, yet scared)
Was what you did bad?

I don’t want to talk about it

If you tell, I will?

(quietly and ashamed)
It was a mistake ok


I never meant for it to happen.


I.. I.. had no choice. My parents had shut my out. I was homeless and I just had choice.

It was late, no one was out..

(Interrupts Jasmine)
..Jasmine? What did you do..
I mugged a little boy. He was lost. I took all his money.


he was so scared

but I didn’t have a choice! And then I ran.

 I took everything from him… His money, his phone, his bag.
His face.
 Ill never forget his poor face.


The fourth scene then opens, focussing on Lorraine’s face. We notice she’s destressed and running from something; as if she’s been chased. You can notice the sweat on her face, she’s scared and been running for a long time. Behind her is black, Lorraine’s in the dark. You can hear the grass on her feet as she’s running, showing us she’s still in the forest. It’s all very silent, all you can hear is her voice. Keeping focused on her face. Then focusing on her full body running away.
(frantically, screams)

She continues to run

(she cries loud)


  This scene Is in total darkness; it drops to a pitch-black image. No objects or people in the scene; just sound. We hear Lorraine panting very loudly (out of breath). The music is very loud and frantic, signifying something bad is about to happen, and that the monster is with her.


PLEASE, I didn’t mean too do it

(continues to sob)
I’m sorry.


Above is my script that i created in order to bring my plot together. Using a script was very beneficial as it allowed my ideas to come together and actually play my story through characters. I gave my production a sense of organisation as i made it clear who is speaking, to who and in which scene. This allowed all cast and crew to be prepared and organised for when filming.
A way in which I could improve is I could add more details to each scene on my script, about the setting, body language, headings, clothing etc. 

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