Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Cast and Crew


Director and Producer
Elle Sleight
Managing the filming and the actors. Controlling the production. 
Archie Elliott
Controlling the camera equipment when filming the actors. Getting different angles.
Editor and Special Effect
Elle Sleight
Editing the filming tape, adding effects.
Elle Sleight 
Collecting the music and adding It to the tape.
Permission and Locations
Jake Williams 
Gaining permission to use certain music and be allowed to film in locations.
Finding great locations for filming. Where we shall film.
Script/ Storyboard
Elle Sleight and Jake Williams
Using ideas to create the script for what the actors should say. Also, a storyboard helps as if the actors aren’t in shot, we can imagine what the camera will be focusing on.
Archie Elliot
Correcting the light to make sure that camera can catch the actors properly and can be seen clearly.
Elle Sleight and Jake Williams
Run an audition so we can see who we would like in our film. Ask them to perform a little bit of the script.
Fashion Designer

Jake Williams

Elle Sleight
Designing the outfits for the cast.
Choosing and applying the correct makeup, suited to the scene and the story.

Woman Running in the Forest
Laura sims
The Friend (1)
Archie Elliot
The Friend (2)
Jake Williams
The Dead Body (1)

Jack Sarginson
The Dead Body (2)
Elle Sleight

Ive created the table above to show the Crew which are involved in my production, and what roles they do. I choose who will be in my production and assigned them to roles i think best for them and my movie. Ive showed it in an a table form to that its clear to read and easy to see what roles each person is doing. A table is also very simple which allows my work to look thought out and neat. This is very helpful as it allows me to later revisit my work and understand clearly, helping my production as i can quick look through this information and know what roles are assigned to who. This also has an impact on my final production it also makes everyone else aware of what jobs they should be doing. Therefore we wont be waisting time on jobs that hasn't been done. People are aware of what they should do and their responsibilities. Listing on the left is the role; fashion designer, lighting, casting etc. The centre of the table is who is responsible for those roles, my friend jake is responsible for a lot of the roles: handling the script, storyboard, and organising locations and gaining permission. On the right column is what those roles in tale. Although its not as in depth as a big professional production, my production is small as my movie is a small-scale movie. I only have 3 crew members, where as a larger scale movie would have from 20 to more members of crew. 

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